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Nomination Committee’s Board Proposal for the Annual General Meeting 2014 of Duni AB

Regulatory press release 11 mar 2014 14:00
Duni’s Nomination Committee proposes the Annual General Meeting 2014 to elect Pauline Lindwall as new board member in Duni.

Pauline Lindwall, born 1961, has a Bachelor of Science in BAE from the University of Växjö. She is Category Director Coffee at Mondelez International in Zürich, a public company marketing biscuits, coffee, chocolate, gum & candy, cheese & grocery. Pauline Lindwall is independent of the company, the company management and Duni's major shareholders.

Further on, the Nomination Committee proposes re-election of Anders Bülow, Alex Myers, Pia Rudengren and Magnus Yngen. Tina Andersson left the board in September 2013 when she was appointed Corporate Marketing and Communications Director of Duni AB. The board has since then consisted of four members.

Nomination Committee members as well as information about current board members is available at Duni’s web site Further proposals from the Nomination Committee will be presented in the invitation to the Duni Annual General Meeting, which will be held Tuesday 6 May 2014 in Malmö.