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At the Annual General Meeting held on May 17, 2021, PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-​elected auditor, with Carl Fogelberg as auditor-​in-charge.

The auditors review the annual accounts and the Annual Report as well as the Company’s ongoing operations and procedures in order to express an opinion regarding the accounts and management by the Board of Directors and the CEO.

The audit of the annual accounts and annual report is conducted in January and February. Thereafter, compliance with the Annual General Meeting’s guidelines for remuneration of senior executives is audited. The auditors attend all meetings of the Audit Committee during the year. In October, an interim audit is performed in combination with a general review of Duni’s third quarter report.

In ad­di­tion to Duni AB, Carl Fo­gel­berg is also the auditor-​in-charge for com­pa­nies such as Eniro AB and As­celia Phar­ma AB and co-​signing au­di­tor for Haldex. Carl Fo­gel­berg is an au­tho­rized pub­lic ac­coun­tant and mem­ber of FAR SRS. Apart from the audit en­gage­ment, fees to PwC for other en­gage­ments dur­ing 2022 to­taled SEK 1.7 m (2021: 7.8).