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Cooperation is a key success factor

30 jun 2022
As customers and consumers develop new needs and change their behavior, we need to find new ways of working. Collaboration internally and with companies offering new solutions will be crucial.

Our driving force, new needs, new laws and regulations, but also changing consumer behaviors are driving the move towards environmentally oriented choices and circular models. Already, start-ups are coming up with new business models and, often, digital solutions, enabling increased circularity in our customer segments.

The market is changing rapidly and it is not obvious that multi-use is better than single-use products. It is likely that they will complement each other in terms of material requirements and practical conditions to ensure circularity.

“We believe that in the future it is not about either or – but both”, says Johan Mårtensson, Business Development & Innovation Manager. “When the goal is to deliver the most environmentally smart system, different solutions are needed for different situations. Then it is no longer just about the product or the materials. The key will be interaction between product and system to deliver a complete solution that simplifies for the end customer”.

Increasingly, suppliers to the HoReCa segment need to create total offerings that add value to the customer, from purchase to use and finally, end-of-life solutions. We must be open to new ideas.

Major investment in excellence

In order to be­come the in­dus­try’s sus­tain­abil­i­ty leader, with eco-smart prod­ucts and ser­vices that solve our cus­tomers’ needs, we need to forge more part­ner­ships with other stake­hold­ers and drive more co-creation. That is why we are now fo­cus­ing even more on build­ing our in­no­va­tion ca­pa­bil­i­ties. With­in this frame­work, we see three focus areas: ”in-house ex­plo­ration hub”, ”new ven­ture hub” and ”in­no­va­tion readi­ness”.

“Our in­ter­nal ‘ex­plo­ration hub’ will iden­ti­fy, test and val­i­date var­i­ous so­lu­tions that are out­side the core busi­ness, but still tar­get­ing the HoRe­Ca+ seg­ment. This could be cir­cu­lar busi­ness mod­els or new so­lu­tions to hy­giene chal­lenges,” Johan ex­plains.

Together we achieve our goals

Be­com­ing a lead­ing and com­pet­i­tive cir­cu­lar­ly sus­tain­able com­pa­ny in 2030 will re­quire new part­ner­ships in the value chain. Our ”new ven­ture hub” cre­ates con­di­tions for col­lab­o­ra­tions, strate­gic al­liances and in­vest­ments in start-up com­pa­nies with in­ter­est­ing tech­nolo­gies and new – often dig­i­tal – so­lu­tions and busi­ness mod­els. This fits per­fect­ly into the UN SDG 17, “Part­ner­ships for the goals”.

“The idea is not for the in­no­va­tion de­part­ment to come up with all the ideas,” says Johan. “In­stead we will de­vel­op knowl­edge and skills to cre­ate a cul­ture of in­no­va­tion where the most hap­pens out in the re­gions. Then much of the de­vel­op­ment is done clos­er to the cus­tomers and with greater in­sight into local needs”.

New exciting collaborations

Al­ready in 2021, we ini­ti­at­ed new strate­gic part­ner­ships to drive sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment by col­lab­o­rat­ing with three ex­cit­ing star­tups. We signed a co­op­er­a­tion agree­ment with the Swedish com­pa­ny &Re­peat, which has a dig­i­tal plat­form for cir­cu­lar dis­pos­able prod­ucts, and in­vest­ed in the Ger­man com­pa­ny Rele­vo and the Span­ish com­pa­ny Bûmerang, both of which are work­ing on so­lu­tions for the reuse of take-away pack­ag­ing. 

”It may seem strange that Duni Group, with its long history in single-use, is now also focusing on multi-use items,” says Johan. “But the truth is that we do not see a circular reality in black and white. We believe it will take a mix of disposables and reusables, perhaps in combination with other alternatives, to offer customers the most environmentally friendly solutions in the near future”.

Contact us

Katja Margell
Investor Relations and Communications Director