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Change in Duni management team

13 May 2016
Tina Andersson leaves Duni for new challenges and Anna Lundqvist has been appointed interim Business Area Director Consumer and Corporate Marketing.

Tina Andersson was board member in Duni from May 2011 until August 2013. In autumn 2013 she was employed by Duni as Marketing and Communications Director and has since been part of the Duni management team. Since November 2015, she has been Director Business Area Consumer and Corporate Marketing. She will be leaving Duni on July 31, 2016.

Duni’s CEO Thomas Gustafsson comments:

"Tina Andersson has with great results developed Duni’s brand and strategic platform. Due to these improvements, we are now approaching our customers with a more distinct market offer. I wish Tina all the best in her future career. Our focus is now on finding the right successor, a process that begins immediately."

While awaiting a successor, Anna Lundqvist, currently Marketing Director Business Area Consumer, has been appointed interim Business Area Director Consumer and Corporate Marketing.

Tina Andersson will take on the position as SVP Strategy and Growth at Paulig Group.


For more information, please contact:

Thomas Gustafsson, CEO
phone +46 40 106475

Contact us

Katja Margell
Investor Relations and Communications Director